Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lucky food, as if!

You are all to familiar with the New Year's Day tradition of eating Black-eyed peas, Ham and Greens for luck in the coming year.

I did just that and, so far, I wouldn't say that I was having the worst luck ever but it hasn't been good.

The Monday following New Year's started off well -- Got up early enough to walk on the treadmill,got to work on time and off to a board of supervisors meeting.

Walking through the back parking lot from the Chancery Building, I slip, fall down and tear a hole in my pant leg, scrap and bruise my knee and my hands!

I am just not the clumsy type so I was so fuming mad when I got in the office. What a Monday that was.

I am almost healed up!

Tuesday of this week, I have an allergic reaction to some hand lotion someone put on at the office. Sneezing, runny noses, scratchy throat, the whole 9 yards.

Seriously! Could I get a break (but not of the bone!).

Here is hoping for a great Monday!

Friday, January 8, 2010

So, where's the snow, Mr. Weatherman?

We have been eagerly awaiting snow at The Star-Herald office all week. Unfortunately, all we got was flurries. It is extremely frigid outside. Paul got two days off from school.

Flurries @ The Attala County Courthouse on Monday.

The Cheeks' frozen pond on Friday.