While Paul and his coaching counterparts are off in football meetings, I headed out on a cold shopping trip to the Tunica Outlet Mall. A little pre-birthday shopping and my annual pre-birthday trip to Tunica. My birthday is a week from Sunday on Feb. 14.
First things first, I got to have a Sonic Breakfast Burrito & Diet Coke. Can't eat to much Sonic as I am on a quest for a new pair of jeans. Plus, I haven't had any Sonic since the one in Kosciusko closed on New Year's Eve for renovations. What a treat!
I did get a few deals and, since I am a little bored(waiting on the men folk to get back and take me to dinner), you people who read my blog get to see and read all about it.
I got 50 cent earrings and $6 brown boots. Who wouldn't want to brag about that?
I did pay a pretty penny for the Shape-Ups. Tennis shoes that help with muscle tone. Next week, I am getting back on the exercise wagon!
Got a few pieces of clothing too. Major Major sale!