I have wanted to dust off my blog a time or two but never seem to get around it -- Being a stay-at-home mommy with a home-based cookie business and going across the several states for antique shows 12 times a year leaves little time for blogging.
The life that I knew when I started this blog and up until the last entry revolved around our lives and it how it relates to football. It's drastically different now.
Not being on a year-round football schedule and school calendar was a big adjustment for me. There is a lot of freedom in being able to go here, there, and yonder. Of course, that will all change when Lorelei is school age. It's also hard when all your friends are still on the school calendar and you aren't too. I really do miss seeing my friends, even though we talk and text and Facebook quite regularly.
I've learned that being a stay-at-home-mommy is the hardest and best job I've ever had. I was 36 when Lorelei was born. I had plenty of years of doing what I want and now, I've got about 2 hours a day (when she naps) to do what I want and that's quite alright! She's very active and she soaks up every little thing like a sponge. It's so fun to watch her grow up. She's just a demanding little thing.
Coach still works every day with his parents and the antique auction. It's just on his time and he enjoys it. He doesn't miss coaching like I thought he would. He misses Friday nights and interacting with his co-workers and the players -- you know the fun stuff.
So what's in store for the blog? I'm not sure. Maybe some cookie baking, toddler stories, antiquing and junking, recipes, or my random thoughts....
Your Most Loved from February
5 days ago