Touchdown Jesus
Two great coaches, my hubby and Knute Rockne
Paul and I took an antiquing vacation with his parents for a week and we traveled at least parts of seven states including Illinois, Indiana and Ohio all the while searching for treasures to sell.
Since planning the trip and looking on the map, Paul has been planning on going to see "Touchdown Jesus." I know sometimes we want to thank Jesus for a Touchdown but I really didn't know what the site was other than it was on Notre Dame's campus.
We were going to attend an auction the next day in a town nearby so his parents made the stop. We jumped out of the car and stepped on campus right by the stadium.
We didn't get to see the inside of the stadium but we did see the Coach Knute Rockney's statue and Touchdown Jesus.
I googled it on the way there so here's what Touchdown Jesus is:
The stadium is known for its view of "Touchdown Jesus", a nickname given to the large mural entitled
The Word of Life by
Millard Sheets of the
resurrected Jesus.
[2] Installed in 1964 on the
Hesburgh Library, the mosaicked wall looms over the stadium mirroring the raised arms of a referee signifying a
touchdown. The stadium expansion had the side effect of partially obscuring the view of the mural from the field.
We were there for only a few minutes but we soaked in the football history.