while I drove to and from Rolling Fork from visiting my family.
Never miss understand me -- I want the us to win win win every time we take the field and I can tell you on Friday night after we got shut out that I wanted to cry. As bad as our boys felt on Friday night, I felt it too.
In the bigger scope of life, football is so much more than about the win and loss record. It's about changing lives -- Hardwork, determination, team work and forming bonds that will never be broken.
Last year, I wrote about fans standing at the fencing yelling at what I consider to be "my children" and you know what, I have to start considering the source and moving on. I was glad I wrote it. It has been plaguing me and I felt it was something I had to do. This year, is a new leaf.
Case in point: I hear that a father of one of the players said he didn't know why our coaches were wearing head sets because it wasn't helping us. I just shake my head and smile and remember that some people simply don't understand the game of football very well.
We have two weeks to get better for Edinburgh and the season is still young. Who knows what the future holds!?
Your Most Loved from February
5 days ago