or more passing yards by the end of the season.
Sometimes these Tigers of mine can surprise you. We play No. 2 N.W.'s butt off last night and I can say that we never backed down, never stopped playing and never got our head down.
Friday night we aired the football out! For the first time in a long time I got to see passes and catches -- It's a beautiful thing to watch. Hunter threw for at least 300 yards. Deangelo was the lead receiver of the night but I am not sure the yardage.
Final score was 48-20 N.W.
On a down note, Keith got ejected from the ballgame and will have to sit out the first two quarter of the T-town game, which is sr. night. Keith said the N.W. player had been punching him in the stomach all night and he just snapped. So everyone in attendance watched as Keith punched the kid on the ground multiple times. Atwon got him up and Keith did own up to his mistake.
My only problem is Keith is not the only one at fault. The N.W. player should have been punished too.
So after that the Warriors began talking junk and we answered with another TD. You could have heard a pin drop in the home bleachers.
We have 20 seniors between cheerleading, band and football. It's going to be sad but good to see them take the home field Friday night one more time.