Most of you know that since September, I've been battle one kind of an illness after another. So, I'm ready for this year to be over with.
It's also made me appreciate a lot of things in my life:
-- My husband who has listened to me cry and freak out and want to pull my hair out. He must love me.
-- All the people out there who have prayed for me or sent me messages. I'm glad to know that I have made good friends over the last four years since we moved to Kosciusko and of course, all my friends from places far and wide.
-- My mom and dad. They would do anything for me as parents should!
--I've learned that my house doesn't have to be clean and I don't have to have make up on everytime I leave the house. I have to do what I have time to do.
-- My health -- I have to be a healthier person -- take vitamins, exercise, no stress, eat balanced diet. Sure, I'll probably get sick from time to time but at least I can fight the battle.
--The things our side business allows us to do -- travel, etc.
I am definately ready for the new year. :)
Your Most Loved from February
5 days ago
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