Monday, August 15, 2011

It's not big secret...

I've always been the "big girl" and even now looking back on it I really wasn't a "big girl" until 2008 but needless to day my weight has always been an issue. It's too bad when I was in high school and thought I was a COW that I wasn't. I just happened to be taller and bigger boned.

I can remember weighing myself at 10 years old about 4'10 and thinking that 90 lbs. was too big and I needed to go on a diet. I don't remember anyone telling me that I needed to go on a diet. However, I do remember the "diet" gum I chewed at my grandmother's house.

And remember being told to "hold my stomach in" though really and truly,
I didn't have a much of one to hold in. Who says that to a child?

Now, at 33 years old, I am at my heaviest and after being on vacation and having some time to think, I knew I had to do something. Within a week of coming home, Paul got an email from Ethel High School secretary Dawn Bouchillon about a weightloss powder mix and pill called Plexxus Slim. I read about it and having used and abused my metabolism and tried ever plan known to man. I figured why not try it. It's all natural and it helps to supress your appetite.

Three weeks later -- 6 pounds down. I'm starting my walking plan this week but so far it's been sporadic. I have more energy and my clothes are looser. I have to get the weight off for numerous reasons
but the main reason is me!

Me with my sister and dad on Father's Day this year.
December 2004. I was hardcore working out and lifting weights. Still thought I was a COW.
Before my senior year in 95. I'm the one in the floral dress and I thought I was a COW. What was I thinking?

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