Saturday, September 28, 2013

Getting to know you...getting to know all about you...

Mississippi Women Bloggers
1. What is your favorite thing to do in your hometown?
Paul and I have lived in Kosciusko for 7 years but I still consider my hometown, Rolling Fork, in the Delta, my "home, home." In addition to visiting my family and church family, I love to ride with the windows rolled down and cruise the wide open flat land, eat a  Rolling Fork original "Chuck's Burger or Chicken Strip Basket, do a little shopping at The Green Apple, The Shoppe (which has lots of local and MS made items), and Deep Delta Drugs and Gifts, and just chill out with my family. We've also got several fabulous murals painted in town and several chainsaw carved 8-plus feet tall wooden bears around town that I enjoy photographing.
2. What is the best vacation spot in Mississippi?
Growing up so close to Vicksburg, I think I took the history for granted. You can have a unique shopping experience Downtown near the water front, locally owned restaurants including several B&Bs and of course there is the history -- the military park.
Next I would have to say Natchez. My parents have been twice and they've enjoyed several historical tours and shopping and eating at Fat Mama's for the weekend. Paul and I are going one day.
3. Tell us about the most fun date night idea in Mississippi.
Paul and I started dating in the middle of his football season about 10 years ago, so "fun" for us was just being together. We went to several MSU football games (we are both graduates) and dinner at Harvey's afterwards.
This may not be in MS but the Saturday morning his football season was completely over, he took me to Graceland (I'm an Elvis nut) and we did the complete tour and got souvenirs. We still laugh about how it rained and rained during our tour and we got soaked.
4. What is one fun fact that very few people know about you?
I'm left-handed and that makes me one of the chosen few to be in my "right mind" because the left side of our body is controlled by the right side of our brain.
5. Who is your favorite sports team (if you have one) and how did it start?
My Dad went to MSU and my parents lived right off campus for a semester after they were married so I was born to be a bulldog! By 6th grade, I would watch MSU football games with my dad with the sound turned down and Jack Cristal on the radio. My dad always watched the New Orleans Saints, no matter how much they lost back in the day and I even had a New Orleans Saints football of my very own.
6. What are your top three “Best Eats” in Mississippi?
1. Rusty's in Vickburg -- On the water and fresh seafood is flown in daily.
2. Little Dooey's in Starkville -- BBQ staple and I love their chicken strips. There seafood is good and I just love the atmosphere.
3. Onward Store in Onward -- It's the only landmark in the town that is where Teddy Roosevelt didn't shoot the bear while on a hunt. Recently remodeled with the history on display. Variety of food and I know the chef personally and he can dish it out. Variety of seafood, steaks, sandwich plates and daily lunch specials. Hamburgers and the Delta staple -- Tamales.
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see Paul and I with a child (biological or otherwise) and he will be retired from football but we will still go to football games on Friday nights. We will continue growing our antique business. I can see maybe an antique jewelry line in my future as well. I want to be at a good health weight which has been a constant struggle with me for my entire life.
8. If you could choose an actress to play you in real life, who would you choose and why?
Well, I don't think my life is that interesting but if someone wanted to tackle the role of me as the coach's wife then I guess I would pick Lost's Evangeline Lilly because she's about my age, came coloring and freckled. :)
9. What is a southern tradition you and your family have? (Note: Get your guest posts on “Traditions” ready for December!)
10. List 5 things on your Bucket List you hope to do before you die.
1. Fly on an airplane and go to someplace fabulous like Europe.  I'm afraid of heights and that would be a major deal.
2. Take my parents and immediate family on vacation. Growing up we went on vacation twice and I would like the chance to do that with them again. I'm thinking Disney.
3. Write a book. Not sure if it would be coach's wife related, a children's book or even a cook book.
4. Speak a foreign language. After four semesters of college Spanish, I can't speak hardly anything.
5. I just really can't think of a thing. My life is pretty good. :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Getting ready for Football Friday -- Recipes

Mississippi Women Bloggers

With the addition of the new field house last year, we finally had a place where our coaching family could gather after the games. It's also a great blessing for the players to have a place that is safe, clean and really nice. The team is really proud of the facility and so are the coaches. Here's what we were dealing with before.

Inside the new field house last year, with the coaches and the 2012 seniors.

Anyway, onto the recipes.

Tuzzi Dip
1 lb. of breakfast sausage, cooked, crumbled and drained (I've used turkey, pork and deer breakfast sausge before)
1 can of RoTel
2 blocks of cream chees (full fat, 1/3 less fat, fat free -- all work fine).

After cooking and draining the sausage, add room temperature cream cheese and RoTel in a boiler and mix and melt well. Place dip in crockpot on warm and serve with a heavy corn chip.

Rolo Brownies
2 rolls of Rolls, remove foil and place in a bowl in the refrigerator
1 brownie mix, prepare per instructions

In a mini-muffin pan, poor brownie mix and cook per instructions. After removing from the oven, press rolos (small side down) into the center. Wait until they are completely cooled before removing.

Yesterday, I bought a $1 brownie mix pouch and a $1 bag of Rolo minnies. It made about 16 brownie bites.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Five on Friday...Randomness

Hooray for Friday!

1. Paul's birthday was Thursday and we've been celebrating all week. We had catfish and fixins' with cupcakes for dessert. However, he's been getting his "favorite things" in brown paper packages tied up with string. Also, we had movie night with popcorn and Redbox DVDs on Tuesday and I decorated the dining room for his birthday.

2. I tried a new product this week from one of my Birch Boxes. I love getting samples and trying new stuff.  Miss Jessie's Jelly Soft Curls was just that soft curls and it didn't make my hair limp. However, this gel was kind of thing and I wasn't cracked up about the scent. I will tell you that I love my Deva Curl products. They are awesome!

3. One of my favorite TV shows of all time is on Amazon Prime -- Friday Nigh Lights. If you've ever wanted to know what the life of a high school football coach, it's pretty dang close. Hopefully, I will be doing a fun blog on fall TV soon.

4. Thankful for girl talk! I had a surprise visitor at the antique mall while I was working yesterday. One of Paul's former students and my friend of the same name -- Leslie stopped by. As much as a love my husband and my bff, sometimes it's nice to have a girl to talk too. Leslies RULE!

5. My sweet niece has the hand, foot, and mouth virus. It's only on her feet right now and since my mom is off today, she's watching her. This is a photo from our first home game at Ethel. Grana and Paw Paw brought her to see me and Uncle Paul. She loved the football field, the lights and the band. Her mama made her shirt for the special occasion.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Three weeks into the season and we are off this week....

Blogger's note: If you are new to my blog, then you know I primarily started it to chronicle our journey as my husband, Paul, coaches the Class 1A Ethel Tigers, and players that he coaches. So, just a little background before I jump right in to the current season. We moved to Kosciusko the summer of 2007 in a hurry because summer is a busy time for football coaches. Paul was getting to "go home" and coach on the very field he played on. There have been more losses than wins but the greatest reward we believe is being role models to these players we call our kids and they teach us too.

I feel like I've come full circle as a coach's wife. I started out in the bleachers at South Pontotoc and then onto Ethel Tiger field with my trusty camera for The Star-Herald and now I'm back in my chair on Friday nights. That part about me sitting in a chair is not quite true! I walk, sit, repeat. 

The first two weeks, I felt quite disconnected from the game and the team. There is just something about being on the sidelines at a game. However, week three for some reason was different.

We played the other Attala County High School -- McAdams. I always go directly onto the field when the game is over. I've been on the field after many games many many times. Before the team left the field, Paul always ends with a prayer and this time the guys wanted me in the circle with them. Such a sweet moment! Oh yeah, and we won 40-16, which is our first win of the season.

We also get a break from football this week as this is our "off" week and it's also Paul's birthday week.

Friday, September 6, 2013

If God is for us...My Five on Friday

I don't talk a lot about my faith or my relationship to God. Don't worry, I have one and as far back as I can remember it has been a constant comfort in my life. Sure, God and I have had our difference of opinions at times. So, my Five on Friday list is dedicated the gifts that were given, the tasks we face and the unknown but all the while, knowing that God is there.

1. I believe that in 2007 God moved us to Attala County and I can see the work that he is doing through my husband as a coach. Most recently, he has been leading the team devotionals on Fridays and the response from the coaches and players have been overwhelming. I've been giving him a letter a week from a former player and he uses them as inspiration.

2. I believe that God carries us through the storms of life. When the newspaper downsized under new ownership and I lost my job in the process, it was very painful. Things got neglected in my personal life and mounting stress over money was looming. Two weeks after being unemployed, I woke up and for some reason I knew everything was going to be OK. Our antique side business took off as it became my full time business and for now I'm content with that as a look for my next big adventure. Thank you, Jesus.

3. I believe that God put Paul and I together for a reason. At the core, we are very similar but our thought processes are completely different. He is the calmer and doesn't get mad often and I'm impatient and hotheaded. I am thankful for God choosing the right partner for me (of course, it took me awhile to warm up to the idea of dating Paul but that's another entry for another time) and we balance each other.

4. I believe that God picked me to be a coach's wife. It is be far the best and worst job I will ever have. It's awful because your husband is way for hours and hours during the season and as much hard work as he puts in, there are always critics. As Paul always tells me -- You better believe that if you follow God's plan and do his work, then know that the Devil is working just as hard. The best part of the coach's wife gig isn't the t-shirts and the late night chats after games, but when a player is about to graduate and they hug you and they say "I love you" because you've been supportive and given them words of encouragement. It just makes you happy!

5. And finally, "If God is for Us, who can be against us."

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Farmer Jim's Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze

It's that time of year -- well almost! Farmer Jim (that's my dad) and Farmer Lynn (my mom) will be opening Farmer Jim's Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze starting October 1. It's a family operation and my sister and I help out quite a bit on the weekends. We also do school and church groups!
We are located on Highway 16 in Rolling Fork in the South Delta. Besides being able to pick our own pumpkin off the vine (and we've got some HUGE ones) and getting lost in the corn maze, is watching the people explore the farm. Most children these days don't know where their food comes from and have never seen a working farm.

Our Web site is under construction but you can find the basic information at and Like us on Facebook by searching Farmer Jim's Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze.

We've been featured in The Clarion-Ledger, The Delta Democrat Times, Mississippi Magazine, Delta Magazine, and Farm Country (The Farm Bureau bi-monthly publication).

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Best Dang Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever!

I've always used the Nestlé Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe and I've always had great tasting cookies but sometimes they didn't look so pretty.

I little Pinterest research and I've made fantastic cookies! Who knew room temperature butter and a 1/2 cup more of flour would make all the difference. 

Look here for the recipe and tips.