1. I believe that in 2007 God moved us to Attala County and I can see the work that he is doing through my husband as a coach. Most recently, he has been leading the team devotionals on Fridays and the response from the coaches and players have been overwhelming. I've been giving him a letter a week from a former player and he uses them as inspiration.
2. I believe that God carries us through the storms of life. When the newspaper downsized under new ownership and I lost my job in the process, it was very painful. Things got neglected in my personal life and mounting stress over money was looming. Two weeks after being unemployed, I woke up and for some reason I knew everything was going to be OK. Our antique side business took off as it became my full time business and for now I'm content with that as a look for my next big adventure. Thank you, Jesus.
3. I believe that God put Paul and I together for a reason. At the core, we are very similar but our thought processes are completely different. He is the calmer and doesn't get mad often and I'm impatient and hotheaded. I am thankful for God choosing the right partner for me (of course, it took me awhile to warm up to the idea of dating Paul but that's another entry for another time) and we balance each other.
4. I believe that God picked me to be a coach's wife. It is be far the best and worst job I will ever have. It's awful because your husband is way for hours and hours during the season and as much hard work as he puts in, there are always critics. As Paul always tells me -- You better believe that if you follow God's plan and do his work, then know that the Devil is working just as hard. The best part of the coach's wife gig isn't the t-shirts and the late night chats after games, but when a player is about to graduate and they hug you and they say "I love you" because you've been supportive and given them words of encouragement. It just makes you happy!
5. And finally, "If God is for Us, who can be against us."
Happy Friday!
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